Buffed The Nail Diaries

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Buffed The Nail Diaries

Service Area: Makeup Artists / Nail Services


Business name: Buffed The Nail Diaries

Business location: Provided when booking or upon request

Contact Information (preferably via Whatsapp)

Phone number: (246) 236-5499

Whatsapp WhatsApp-icon:    (246) 236-5499


Buffed The Nail Diaries is a home based makeup artist and nail tech business

Services include:

  • Make Up
  • Nails
  • Manicures
  • Pedicures

Bookings by appointment only.

Contact info: (246) 236-5499 preferably Whatsapp.


Instagram: @mseditorial_buffed246

You can follow me and check out all of the pictures of my work:
IG https://www.instagram.com/mseditorial_buffed246/

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