Place an Ad

Thank you for your interest in placing an ad with Caribbean Service Classifieds, everything will be done to make the time between this point and your ad being featured online short, easy and pleasant. Once you submit your ad it will be reviewed to make sure everything is just right before it’s posted online, so please only make your payment after your ad has been reviewed. When your ad is reviewed you will receive and a confirmation via email, and after this, you can make your payment and your ad will be posted once the payment is received.


If you want to see how to fill out the form or get an overview of the process you can always visit the “Show me how” page or send us an email. If you are not comfortable with forms or would like help with your ad then Contact us and we’ll help you out!

*TIP: You should always receive a confirmation if your form submission was successfully received, not just successfully sent. You should receive a 2nd confirmation when your ad has been reviewed and a receipt when your payment has been received. When your ad is posted you should receive a final order completed receipt. You are always protected and informed via these emails throughout the entire process, if you do not receive your emails at any point please contact Caribbean Service Classifieds.

Please complete the form below and click “Submit for review” to submit your ad for review:

Please note this form is not for placing items for sale but for employment seekers, entrepreneurs or businesses to advertise their service offerings and any products associated with their businesses.

Fields marked with * are required fields.

    *Please select your ad type:

    *Your Name (First name Last name):

    *Business name:

    *Suggested Ad Category:

    Optional Additional Category:

    *Please type your ad here: (including any form of contact information and relevant website links you desire.) (See an example)

    *Gender: Used to provide a silhouette image for your ad and profile page if you do not have your own image. You can choose "Rather Not Say".

    *Your Email:

    Upload images:

    The max file size is 500kb. The main profile picture is also optional.

    Main profile picture

    Optional picture #1 

    Optional picture #2 

    Optional picture #3 

    Optional picture #4 

    Optional picture #5 

    Optional picture #6 

    Optional picture #7 

    *Do you want to allow ratings and reviews of your service?: (What's this?)

    *How long would you like your ad posted (all prices are in US $):

    Additional notes: If you want to send a Google Maps location link for your business please visit here or see Google Support if you need help.

    You must agree to the terms and conditions to submit the form

    *I accept the terms and conditions