
About Caribbean Service Classifieds

Caribbean Service Classifieds is a Barbadian business (Registration #54365) established for the Caribbean with the wish to give entrepreneurs with one person businesses, micro-businesses and small-businesses as well as individuals with skills seeking employment or additional income by offering their services, a centralised and very importantly a low cost avenue to be seen and recognised locally and regionally. We invest and also re-invest from revenue generated to drive growth and advertise our website thereby using our combined efforts to benefit everyone on the site.

With the continued importance and contribution of entrepreneurs and services to economic development and with many service exchanges geared towards supplying solutions to satisfy customer needs, this classifieds website was developed to focus specifically on advertising businesses as well as job seekers with skills, and not for advertising individual items for sale. When the business was a just a thought, the intention was always to remain low cost and provide value for money while creating an easily accessible environment that will allow needs to be met.

Moreover, the hope is that entrepreneurs will not only see this as a means of advertising regionally but as an opportunity to network with other businesses around the Caribbean and form partnerships to facilitate business expansion and to create export opportunities.


Who did Caribbean Service Classifieds have in mind when it was conceptualised?

Entrepreneurs with businesses:

It is very challenging to maintain cash-flow in micro-business and small-businesses while trying to expand the customer base and working to control expenses in a business environment that seems to get increasingly expensive to operate in rather than progressively less expensive as would be desired. With this in mind, smaller businesses should be afforded a cost effective means to give their products and services the advantage of year round promotion and Caribbean Service Classifieds provides that avenue.

Very simply, entrepreneurs with micro and small businesses need exposure to let potential customers know they are out there and see what they have to offer. However advertising for a month furthermore a year can be very expensive especially to businesses with limited resources and Caribbean Service Classifieds will strive to provide a solution to both of these challenges.

Businesses throughout the region in the same field or with complementary services may also use this website to discover each other and strive to work together to combine resources and undertake jobs that lie beyond their scope if they operate individually. There is also the prospect of discovering and fostering lasting customer-supplier relationships and to outsource or gain partners who specialise in particular business functions that may be critical to growth and sustainability of your business.


Individuals with skills seeking employment:

Anyone who has ever been job hunting, knows of a friend or family member trying to get a job or in need of additional income, may know all to well that it can be very difficult and at times stressful if it becomes a prolonged process. Everyone has some skill they can harness or perhaps have already developed, and this website will give individuals who may not able to advertise themselves due to the cost, a chance to be seen and considered.


Anyone who has ever or will ever need a service or product:

We have all needed to buy a product or get help from someone providing a service at some point, maybe it was something we couldn’t do ourselves or we just really needed the extra help. In addition to providing a low cost advertising service, the decision to launch Caribbean Service Classifieds was also heavily influenced by the desire to provide a resource for those of us who just need to find services and products provided by micro and small businesses in a hassle free manner. This is especially the case for anyone who needs the extra help due to taxing schedules, demanding jobs, ill-health or a variety of other reasons.

New parents for example have often expressed how tough it can be to search for nannies or find someone to help around the house. So with everyone who needs that extra help in mind, this website was launched to bring a possible solution to a convenient online location. Whether you need the extra help, to find products to purchase, to find somewhere new to try a meal, a commercial service to solve a problem or a service to pamper or take care of yourself, what you need should just be a few mouse clicks away.